When we first brought Pesto to the UK back in 1991, just a few people knew about the classic Pesto Alla Genovese recipe based on basil… And it was at a time when we Brits were only just becoming familiar with pasta, can you believe, pouring huge amounts of tomato sauce on top of a pile of pasta – which then sank immediately to the bottom of the bowl! So we launched our basil recipe, along with a sun dried tomato and a creamy recipe, to appeal to everyone who loved tomato and creamy sauces. All we had to do then was explain that Pesto is stirred through pasta and not poured over it. All in a day’s work for we Pesto Pioneers! Over the years we’ve gone on to create recipes based on other Italian ingredients and recipes, from coriander and aubergine to truffle and chilli. Here’s the full list, and a recipe to inspire you. Look out for the numbers on our jar labels which will give you an idea of the order in which they arrived on the shelves of our favourite supermarkets in the UK.