Non-Stop Pesto

Non-Stop Pesto
At this time of year, we are flat out in Asti turning basil into Pesto – and it’s every bit as romantic as you would think. Our freshly harvested basil leaves arrive at the factory within a few hours of being cut and immediately diffuse their wonderful perfume into the air. They are pounded (the word Pesto comes from the Italian verb 'pestare' which means ‘to pound’) with essentially Parmesan cheese, Pine nuts, oil and garlic, and a few other ingredients in our family recipe. Every family has their own recipe, their own special way to make this famous sauce, and we are particularly proud of ours which is now loved the world over. After a day in the kitchens making Pesto (300 thousand jars in fact) and trying new recipes for the future, it’s only fitting that we feast on traditional Pesto Alla Genovese – linguine, boiled potatoes, green beans and plenty of Pesto. Try it – it’s delicious! And so was the icy cold glass of Pigato…