Amazing Artichokes

Amazing Artichokes


We use Sardinian Globe Artichokes in Sacla’ Antipasti and we are coming towards the end of the season which runs between December and March. The artichoke is a member of the thistle family and the part we eat and enjoy is the base of the flower head.


We once grew Artichokes, it is said, in the UK. Most notably in one of the gardens of Henry VIII and cardoons (artichoke thistle) of the same family are still grown here successfully. The foliage is used for structural delight in our gardens and flower arrangements. However, in Italy it is, unsurprisingly mainly about food!


Every Italian will have his or her own favourite family recipe for artichokes. Cooked and often raw, when they are sliced thinly and dressed with lemon juice and peppery olive oil. Grilled, they are perfect with garlic, mint and olive oil. Finally, when simply steamed they are an essential part of any antipasti platter. They aren’t the easiest vegetable to prepare, especially if you find the variety with thorny stems and tips, so pop open a jar of our Artichokes and enjoy in pasta, on pizza, in casseroles and salads. Here's our favourite recipe, Vegan Fettucine with Artichokes, Lemon and Vegan Pesto