Our Favourite Recipes
Aubergine Pesto Dip

Aubergine Pesto Dip

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Buon Appetito



In our 30th year, we’ve spent quite a bit of time tidying archives and sharing happy memories. Some of our more observant visitors will remember that we launched this new website too. To our great delight, we found a recipe that was much enjoyed and shared about ten years ago - aubergine pesto dip. At the time it seemed it was almost as ubiquitous as Delia’s great Piemontese Pepper… and we think it’s survived the test of time – let us know if you agree!


Aubergines are a staple of the Italian kitchen. Technically they are a berry, so a fruit not a vegetable, native to South-East Asia. They come in all shapes and sizes and the big bulbous glossy purple variety is most common in Italy.


We have used the mild smokey flavour to its best advantage in our Char-Grilled Aubergine Pesto, adding Italian Basil, pine nuts and oil to create a smooth and full flavoured sauce. Our recipe from the past, mixes equal parts of this Pesto with mayonnaise and crème fraiche to make the most delicious dip. Serve with whole baby potatoes, roasted in some olive oil and dip to your heart’s content. Perfect for sharing, perfectly simple. Click here for the delicious recipe.

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